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How to Take Care of Your Car’s Tyres in Sydney

November 30, 2017

Tyres are something that can be overlooked on a car, even during regular car maintenance. Don’t be a car owner that overlooks the tyres on their car as they are the only contact that your car has with the road. Sydney Wide Car Removal, Free Car Removal Service Provider offers the following tips on how to take care of your car’s tyres.

Tyre maintenance needs to be a regularly scheduled maintenance for safe and efficient driving.

Do not drive carelessly

Weaving in and out of traffic, driving at high speed, hard turns and breaks are all hard on the tyres. Driving carelessly is not safe driving and puts you and your car at risk you are harder on the tyres, shortening their lifespan.

Regularly check and maintain the proper tyre pressure in your tyres

It is important to keep your tyre pressure at the proper level. Under-inflated tyres are dangerous and will result in tyre wear, loss of control of the car, increased fuel consumption, and more work for the engine. Check you tyre pressure with each time you fuel up and do not forget to check the pressure in your spare tyre.


Regularly inspect the reads of the tyres

The tyres or the car’s only contact with the road, and proper tread depth is essential for safety. When the tread is worn down, you leave yourself open to lose of control of the car, skidding, hydroplaning, etc. The tyre tread depth should be no less than 1.6mm. Take a penny and insert into the tread groove. If you see nearly all of the coin’s body, then the tyres should be replaced.


Don’t load your car over its capacity

While you may have plenty of room for it in your car or boot if it maximises the weight capacity of your car, don’t put it in. Tyres have a corresponding load index, which alerts drivers how much weight their car can handle. When overloaded, the tyres heat, which will eventually cause tyre damage.


Rotating and aligning tyres regularly

Tyres need to be rotated and aligned every six months or 10K miles to ensure even wear. If you feel your car pulling to one side or vibrating, then it is time to have them rotated and align.

Car owners that are ready to upgrade to a newer car can get their car sold at Sydney Wide Car Removal. We pay top dollars for cars of every make and condition.

Call 0434 450 140

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